Summer closures 2016

Atelier Alain Edouard Bidal, a stone cutter in Provence, South of France

8 years ago

-- Summer closure 2016 --

Our Atelier will be closed from Saturday 13th to Monday 29th August 2016.

Each team member of the Atelier AE Bidal is joining me to wish you a great summer and a happy holiday.

Two weeks off to enjoy some beautiful moments that life has to offer : sitting on a stone bench under a tree listening to the cicadas or the gentle murmur of the water flowing from a fountain carved in stone of Provence, to appreciate the joys of swimming, barbecues and drink with friends around a large outdoor table made in antique materials...

As for me, I am going fishing, another of my passions, to refresh my mind and come back with new ideas.

So see you in September for new achievements in limestone or antique materials !

Alain E. Bidal

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